
Haonan Cheng

Ph.D. Associate Professor



Yuankun Xie#, Haonan Cheng#, Yutian Wang and Long Ye. Domain Generalization Via Aggregation and Separation for Audio Deepfake Detection. Transactions on Information Forensics & Security. (SCI 一区,#共同一作) PDF

Qiutang Qi, Haonan Cheng*, Yang Wang, Long Ye and Shaobin Li. A Rule-Data Hybrid Framework for Fine-grained Footstep Sound Synthesis from Visual Guidance. ACM MM 2023.(CCF A,*通讯作者) PDF

王睿琦, 程皓楠, 叶龙. 基于分层特征编解码的视觉引导立体声生成方法研究. 软件学报.2023 (CCF A) PDF

Zhicheng Lian#, Haonan Cheng#, Jiawan Zhang. PQG-A2SA: Performance Quantification Guided Audio-to-Score Alignment for Orchestral Music. IEEE/ACM TRANSACTIONS ON AUDIO SPEECH AND LANGUAGE PROCESSING. 2023 (SCI 一区,#共同一作) PDF

Haonan Cheng, Zhaoye Wang, Hengyan Huang, Juanjuan Cai, Long Ye. 2023. Behaviourally-based Synthesis of Scene-aware Footstep Sound. In Proceedings of IEEE VR. (CCF A)PDF

Haonan Cheng, Shiguang Liu, Jiawan Zhang. 2023. Lightweight Scene-aware Rain Sound Simulation for Interactive Virtual Environments. In Proceedings of IEEE VR. (CCF A)PDF

Haonan Cheng, Ruyu Zhang, Xiaoying Huang, Long Ye. 2022. Global-Local Similarity Function for Automatic Playlist Generation. IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo. (CCF B)PDF

Haonan Cheng, Xiaoying Huang, Ruyu Zhang, Long Ye. 2022. Persong: Multi-Modality Driven Music Recommendation System. IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo. (CCF B)PDF

Ruiqi Wang, Haonan Cheng, Long Ye, Qiutang Qi. 2022. Reproduction Transformation Rule-Based Sound Generation for Film Soundtrack. Journal of Computer-Aided Design & Computer Graphics. (CCF A)PDF

Xiao Yang, Haonan Cheng, Hanyang Song, Li Yang, Long Ye. 2022. Emotional Acceptance Measure (EAM): An Objective Evaluation Method Towards Information Communication Effect. IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo. (CCF B)PDF

Zhicheng Lian, Haonan Cheng, and Jiawan Zhang. 2022. Research on accurate audio‑to‑score alignment method for bassoon music. JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATION UNIVERSITY OF CHINA (SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY). PDF

叶龙,程皓楠,张儒裕,黄霄蓥. 基于生物特征交互的音乐解锁方法及电子设备, 2022.07.01, CN 114117116 B. (已授权)

Shiguang Liu, Sijia Li, and Haonan Cheng. 2021. Towards an end-to-end visual-to-raw-audio generation with GANs. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology. (JCR Q1, SCI 1区)PDF

Haonan Cheng and Jiawan Zhang. 2021. A survey on environmental sound synthesis for virtual scenes. Chinese Journal of Computers, 2021. (EI,CCF-A)

Haonan Cheng and Shiguang Liu. 2019. Haptic force guided sound synthesis in multisensory virtual reality (VR) simulation for rigid-fluid interaction. In Proceedings of IEEE VR. 111–119. (CCF A)PDF

Shiguang Liu, Haonan Cheng, and Yiying Tong. 2019. Physically-based statistical simulation of rain sound. ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH 2019), 38, 4 (2019), 123:1–123:14. (SCI一区,CCF A)PDF

Haonan Cheng and Shiguang Liu. 2019. Liquid-solid interaction sound synthesis. Graphical Models 103 (2019), 101028:1–101028:11. (CCF B)PDF

Haonan Cheng, Sijia Li, Shiguang Liu. Deep cross-modal synthesis of environmental sound. Journal of Computer-Aided Design & Computer Graphics, 2019, 31(12): 2047-2055 (CCF-A)PDF

刘世光,程皓楠,王凯. 一种基于端到端的水场景音频的生成方法, 2019.6.25, CN 109936766 B. (已授权)

Haonan Cheng, Kai Wang, Shiguang Liu. Adaptive color-style-aware image cloning. Journal of Graphics, 2017, 38(5): 700-705 (中文核心期刊)PDF

Kai Wang, Haonan Cheng, Shiguang Liu. Efficient sound synthesis for natural scenes. In Proceedings of IEEE Virtual Reality (VR 2017), poster, 2017, pp. 303-304 (CCF A)PDF

Research Projects

  • 国家自然科学基金青年基金,62201524,基于数据与机理融合的交互感环境声合成理论与方法研究,2023/01-2025/12,30万,主持
  • 中国传媒大学国重专项,CUC22GZ002,音视频鉴伪系统构建与关键技术研究,2022/01-2023/12, 20万,主持


  • 中国传媒大学青年拔尖人才,2022
  • 天津大学优秀博士论文,2021


  • IEEE VR Session Chair,2023
  • ACM MM Session Chair,2021
  • Reviewing for: IEEE VR, SIGGRAPH, ACM MM